
1978Fachabitur, Fachoberschule für Gestaltung, Gutenbergschule, Frankfurt
1982Diplom, Fachhochschule für Gestaltung, Fachhochschule für Gestaltung, Darmstadt
2013Einzelausstellung - Artifact Gallery - New York
2007FILE - Electronic Language International Festival - OI FUTURO Centro Cultural - Rio de Janeiro
2006FILE - Electronic Language International Festival - SESI' ART Gallery - São Paulo
2001Biennale Internationale Dell' Arte Contemporanea (Katalog) - Florenz
2001art, science and technology - XI Biennial International Art Exhibition - Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal
2000ututu - Harappa Festiva - Tokyo
2000Seeds - Shomeido Gallery - Tokyo
1999E1999 - Keio University - Tokyo
1998 Country without Borders - Abraham Lubelski Gallery - New York
1998Binary Code - Trans Hudson Gallery - New York
Honorable Mention/Shortlisted
2017 International Photography Awards - Entry: "Trash"
2014Kontinent Awards - Official Selection (Shortlisted) - Documentary - Single Image
2014 International Photography Awards - Foto: "Homeless"
2014 PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris - Fotos: "Picture in Picture" und "Dear young and fearless"
2014International Photography Awards: One Shot:[One World] - Fotos: "Moma" und "New York"
2013International Photography Awards - Foto: "Boat People"
2008Interview im Foto Magazin - Foto Praxis - Ausgabe 01/08 Januar-März
2004 Mitarbeit bei dem Video Projekt Still.Alone von Luca Curci und ArtExpo